Tell us about your car
It takes a few minutes to donate your car by calling 310-326-3604. We’ll take some basic information about your car, including the year, make, model and condition.
Schedule a pickup time
We will schedule a local towing company to pick up the vehicle at a mutually convenient time. We will need keys and signed title, if you have it. We will provide you with a temporary receipt as confirmation of your donation pickup.
Tax receipt
We will place your car for sale on our local auction sales lot. We want to make sure that your car is sold for the best price possible. This may take anywhere from 2 to 4 weeks. After it is sold, we will email or mail you the tax deductible receipt.
The IRS Allows Taxpayers To Claim A Charitable Tax Deduction As Follows:
If the donated vehicle is sold for less than $500, you can claim the fair market value of your vehic...More
If the donated vehicle sells for more than $500, you can claim the exact amount for which the vehicle is sold.
For any vehicle sold for more than $500, the exact amount it is sold for will be stated on the donation receipt we will send you.